Tuesday, August 30, 2005

One week

That's right, folks one week and we're outta here. So, in an effort to distract myself from the terrifying 'contingency' conversations my dad keeps having with me, here's a quick recap on what's gone on in the last 9 months.

-we got drunk
-planned a route
-paid for tickets
-injected ourselves with disease
-bought all sorts of untested-rumoured-to-work-gear
-got degrees/worked in jobs/did both (damn you Donaldson!)
-Decided not to go to Vladistok. Why? because apparently it's too scary. Just because it's corrupt & run by the mob, surrounded by tigers, and poorly serviced by an airline with a bad safety record. bah.
-Had birthdays
-learned to sail
-fell off surfboards (well I did)

Also, and I think our going away do is worth mentioning:

Bowes on fleet street (upstairs)

Sep 3rd (that's Saturday)


be there! It's gonna rule.

Thursday, August 25, 2005


So it's been a while since I've posted.

Today, I did a load of shopping & bought all sorts of cheap brilliant things - a plastic bowl, a cheap phone that works all over the world, some convertible pants and a bunch of other boring stuff.

(woo! just got a new ringtone for my shiny phone. Africa by toto, you just can't beat it.)

Wednesday, August 24, 2005


I need a packer.

Someone who will pack up all my belongings and distribute them relevantly to my home in Longford, a backpack for going around the world & a bag for living out of for a week or so.

All while I'm watching tv.

Rose tinted glasses

Has anyone else started to feel slightly more sentimental than usual today? Realised that you have the nicest family around, best friends ever & that Dublin is a very pleasant place to live?

Thursday, August 18, 2005

You have to be in a certain kind of (verging on cruel) humour to be able to carry out the mayhem plan...

...& I am.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Party! - Music - Radio

So, it's down to a month and five days till we leave!

We want to have a party before we go, kind of a 'see yis in a year, lads!'. If nothing else, it'll be a good opportunity to punch that one guy I want to punch, drunkenly confess my love to whoever is unlucky enough to get in my way, and just generally behave in such a disgusting manner that it'll take a year before any of our friends even talk to us again.

We're going to rent a room in a pub in town. Anyway, why am I telling you this? Because, of course you're invited!

Keep Sat 3rd September free, motherfuckers!


Music to listen to while planning trip. (expect on-the-road updates)

Colony, 808 State.
(aka: Travel theme of Cheezy Chat)
When we played this first on the radio, Laura didn't think we were going to find anywhere sunny enough on the trip to warrant this song. It starts off with this slow spanish guitar bit that (swwwooooshh) you're walking out onto a beach just before sunset, the sand warm under your feet...(if this doesn't bring you there, you're dead inside. Dead.)

Black and White Town, The Doves.
The soundtrack to us overpowering Chechen Rebels/Columbian Drug Lords/Corrupt local sherrifs. (I watch too many action films)

The Worst, The Rolling Stones.
Keith Richards singing about how he's 'the worst kind of guy for you to be around'. He may well be, but I'm probably not. (I'm actually quite nice & reasonably respoonsible), but I still learnt this on the guitar. I figure once we swing the Mayhem plan (ver 2.0) into action, I might need a song I can sing,staring wistfully into the distance, reflecting on the bad things I've done, the people I've hurt...

This is what I look like when I play guitar, I presume.

Holiday in Cambodia, The Dead Kennedys
We are going to Cambodia, so we have to listen to this, really. Also, if at any point we get into a barfight, This is the song that'll be playing on the jukebox amid the broken glass and flying tables.


Laura and myself (and Kev & Patsy, but they're not coming) ordinarily do a radio show. Cheezy Chat, every monday night on 92.5 Phoenix FM. (listen in, we think it's funny!) We've been doing it for well over a year and a half at this stage, and we've talked about doing it as a serious career when we come back.

However, due to a transmitter refit, the station's off the air for August(!!!) Which means we only have one show left! One more cheezy chat, the night before we leave! What are we going to do? Any suggestions?