So it's been a while since I've posted.
Today, I did a load of shopping & bought all sorts of cheap brilliant things - a plastic bowl, a cheap phone that works all over the world, some convertible pants and a bunch of other boring stuff.
(woo! just got a new ringtone for my shiny phone. Africa by toto, you just can't beat it.)
Today, I did a load of shopping & bought all sorts of cheap brilliant things - a plastic bowl, a cheap phone that works all over the world, some convertible pants and a bunch of other boring stuff.
(woo! just got a new ringtone for my shiny phone. Africa by toto, you just can't beat it.)
yes you can beat it, with many many songs
convertible trousers?
Anonymous #1, you couldn't be wronger!
...I know I must do what's right, just as kilimanjaro rises like Olympus above the Serengeti...
(only better song is Boston- More than a feeling)
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