Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Accidental employment

So I went downstairs to buy some dinner, and got a job. I think the conversation went like this:

-Hey, can I get...em...some fish?
-Yes. Hey, how did the jobhunt go?
-Oh, not great.
-Where have you worked before?
-Oh, call centres, kitchens, college
-What did you do in the kitchen?
-oh, not much mostly prep stuff

And BAM, I'min the middle of a job interview!

I start monday.
No one ever leaves the broadway


Anonymous Anonymous said...

bet it won't be half as much fun as your old job. but twice the amount of soup, no doubt

February 7, 2006 at 2:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope that there is chopping things with big cleavers.

Also, today I am you. I wore a blue and white striped shirt to work, and then spilt things on it.

February 8, 2006 at 11:16 AM  

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