Wednesday, January 18, 2006

What Laura did next..

Feck all!

I've been in Perth since December 29th and I'm turning into a bum!

I LOVE Australia, or Perth at least. The life is just familiar enough to feel at home, but different enough to be exciting. I feel like my home address is now Billabong Resort, Beaufort St., Perth, WA. I'm almost a citizen - I have the bank account and Aussie mobile number to prove it!

I've seen a good bit of Perth city centre, a little north of the city and a little south of the city. I'm here until next Monday (Jan. 23rd) and I'm not sure how I'm going to cope with new surroundings!

Perth is nice, small, friendly (though I haven't met many genuine Aussies...need to find out where they hang out). The slang is gas. I mean, who got "arvo" to catch on? Also, Sam & I were going over to visit a Perth person (what would you call them - a Perthonion, a Perthian??) we met earlier in our travels and when he asked me on the phone whether we "had our bathers" I nearly cracked up!

I've done the wine tour, been to barbies, seen a roo, got hooked on's all good.

Next is Darwin. Rain and serious humidity. I'll let ye know how it goes.


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